
Chattable is a FREE, fully customizable, live chat tool for your Neocities website. Chattable is different than our competitors, as this tool works on free Neocities accounts (test here) & allows you to overwrite the CSS of your live chats. This grants you the ability to customize anything, the font, colors, add background images, adjust alignments, change shapes or sizes of anything, add animations, cool effects, change your chat's notification sound and so much more! With Chattable, our goal is to help you have a seamless live chat for your site that matches your website's aesthetic effortlessly. Learn more about the developer of Chattable.

News & Updates

New CSS Playground has been added so you can play around with styling a chat before implementing Chattable into your project. Get Creative!

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Getting Started

To get started on building a chat for your own website, you're going to need to Create an Account or Login. Once you're all set, you can create a live chat from your account in the upper right corner! Maybe you want to view a demo first, though?

Support Us!

Want to add our button to your site? Here's our 88x31 web button,


It helps spread the word, not just for us, but for anyone looking to add a live chat to their site for free.

ChangeLog & Notes

This is in a beta development phase, not all features may work perfectly, please post on our subreddit, r/ChattableDevs to report any bugs or ask any questions. This is being developed by a one-man team. Any attempt to execute modified versions of Chattable's base code will result in the termination and discontinuation of this project, this does not include the code snippet provided to you when creating a chat.


Please be patient with me as my ADHD will often cause long pauses in this projects development, due to this there is no ETA on any of these updates.